A native of Cambridge, Ohio, he became assistant principal of Carrollton High School in 1912. He became principal in 1913 and was named superintendent in 1914, a position he held until his retirement in 1947.

Born in Carrollton, Ohio in 1907 and graduated from Carrollton High School, Class of 1924. He joined the CHS faculty in 1930. He became principal in 1937 and was named superintendent in 1947 upon the retirement of W. R. Bell, a position he held until his retirement in 1963.

The "Bell-Herron Era" spanned an amazing 51 years!

In the spring of 1963, when J. Wendell Herron retired as local school superintendent, the Carrollton Education Association wished to give him something for his long and faithful service to the school. The officers of this group discussed the possibilities with the officers of the PTA and the Alumni Association, since these groups had the same desire. It was then decided they should combine their efforts and do something worthwhile. Many ideas were discussed as possible gifts to Mr. Herron. Finally, it was decided that it would please him more to know that something was being done to help the students, with whom he had worked for many years, than to receive a personal gift. Therefore, a scholarship would be given in his honor. Many of the parents and alumni of the school district went to school and knew of the long and faithful service of the late W. R. Bell, superintendent previous to Mr. Herron. So, it was decided to make the scholarship in memory of Mr. Bell and Mr. Herron, and on May 11, 1963, the Bell-Herron Scholarship Foundation, Inc. was formed. The signers on those original Articles of Incorporation were: William Allmon - Chairman, Welch Barnett, Wilbur Bell, Walter Shaver, Mrs. Charles Dowell, Mrs. Orton Tinlin, Mrs. Wendell Herron, Dr. Ray George, Mrs. Stanley Beresford and Joe Pittman.