Care Team
The CEVSD CARE Team serves students who have non-academic barriers that could keep them from being successful in school.
Last school year, more than 250 students in grades pre-K-12 received some type of CARE Team support, and many of those students received clothing from the Warrior Clothing Closet. Families are invited to come "shop" the free closet several times per year, and the clothing is always available to students and their families in emergencies.
In addition to clothing, CARE Team also provides new toiletry items, household cleaning items, and even referrals for other community supports during these giveaways
Anyone interested in helping CEVSD CARE Teams regularly or during the holiday season can call (330) 627-8287 for more information.
Warrior Clothing Closet
Volunteers from NewPointe Community Church in Dover came to build an organizer for Carrollton Schools' CARE Team. The joint effort between the CARE Team and NewPointe created a space that will allow clothing donations to be accessed by school staff for students in need. The community has been very generous with donations for students Pre-k through high school. This organization structure will make the distribution of clothing for our Warrior Clothing Closet much more user-friendly than the old system of plastic totes. The CARE Team is very appreciative of the time and materials that NewPointe Community Church donated toward the completion of this project!