The Carrollton High School (CHS) had its version of an evening in Paris. The event took place on April 15th between 6 and 8 pm in the CHS commons. The event was held by the CHS French Club. Visitors paid an entry fee of five dollars per person, which was returned to the visitor as five soiree bucks. Soiree bucks could be used to purchase items at the fair such as ice cream with poached pears, Belgian waffles complete with toppings, or French-themed toys and trinkets. During the soiree, students performed various forms of entertainment such as singing and playing musical instruments. “The best part of An Evening in Paris was the music because it made it feel more of a village” stated Tiffani Cody (10). Overall An Evening in Paris turned out to be a great success.

Faisons la fête (Let’s Party)
April 21, 2023