Band and Choir Concert

On Tuesday, December 13 at 7 p.m., the Carrollton High School Music Department put on “A Christmas Festival,” a combined band and choir concert held in the Performing Arts Center. The concert featured the CHS Ladies’ Ensemble, Men’s Ensemble, Women’s Chorale, and Chamber Chorus joined by the CMS Chorale and accompanied by the CHS Concert Band. The event was free and open to the public. 

The concert featured many well-known Christmas carols, including an arrangement written by the district’s very own Mr. Kevin Walters, who serves as both Middle School Choir Director and Assistant Director of Bands. “I have never arranged a piece this long, nor have I ever written for a choir,” Walters said. “When working with the students, I think their minds completely exploded at first glance. ‘Mr. Walters! Are you crazy?!’ To which I responded, ‘A little bit, but you can handle it!’ There were several moments during the rehearsal process where we looked at the individual parts with a more critical eye and made adjustments.”

Senior and Ladies’ Ensemble-member Caitlynn Shafer said, “My favorite piece was ‘On With the Snow’ because everyone knew their parts and it went really well.” Senior Leigh Johnson, who is a part of the Chamber Chorus, said, “The concert was important to me because I felt like I was supporting everyone else’s hard work. It was also my last Christmas concert, and I know that means a lot to my parents.”

Overall, the event was a showcase of the talent and dedication of both instructors and students here at CHS/CMS and meant a lot to not only the school but also to the community at large.