Winter Homecoming Court

Congratulations to our Winter Homecoming Court! 

Front Row:  Gabryella Ferren, Edgar Allison, Landen McClelland, Kenly Mitchell

Back Row:  John Birong, Molly Brace,  Gracie Bagozzie, Micah Barkan, Ashlee Garner,  Mateo Dominguez Valle

* Homecoming Game is 01/27 vs. Salem
      - The Court will be introduced and crowning of King/Queen between the JV/V games.  JV starts @ 5:30.
      - There will also be a Pep Rally at school this day

* Homecoming Dance will be Saturday 01/28 in the CHS Gym from 8-11.

* Spirit Week Themes:  01/23 - 0127
   Monday: Groutfit (dress all gray)
   Tuesday: Crocs vs. Dudes
   Wednesday: Color War (Black vs. White)
   Thursday: Country vs. Country Club
   Friday: PJ Day